Tuesday, May 15, 2012

3 months

Brystal's neck is becoming stronger and it is getting easier to hold her to where we don't have to be so careful supporting her neck. She does not like to be held like a baby any more, she wants to see the world. Her favorite way to be held is over the shoulders with her arms hanging over or faced forward.

 This is our first family hike together. Brystal is so much like me, because when daddy was caring her in the sun she was fussy until she was in the shade and felt the cool breeze.
She has really started to rebel against her car seat. It's so hard now to just travel to the store, because I would rather wait till she is asleep to put her in her car seat. It just breaks my heart seeing and hearing her cry in her car seat. It has helped, by making sure I give her lots of love, being well fed, and having a clean diaper; but sometimes it doesn't always work. There has definitely been a difference from when she was 2 months, to when she turned 3 months traveling to AZ. It is a lot harder to travel this time around.

May 30th was the first time BOTH Brystal and I have been away from Daddy, and it was for 11 DAYS TOO!!! Talk about torture. Gerald said he now knows how Grandma Sarah feels when she leaves Brystal and I to return home.

Had a lovely Mother's Day, pretty much the best Mother's Day Ever! I'm thankful for my family

May 15th Brystal Laughed for the first time today! Her cousin, to be more specific her 2nd cousin, Eva who is 3 years old made her laugh. I was holding Brystal on my lap and Eva came up to Brystal and was talking to her and showing her an invitation in front of Brystal's face. Then my baby girl laughed. So now Raquel, Eva's mom, gets to make dinner for everyone to celebrate Brystal, "experiencing happiness for the first time." I was talking to her dad, Terrell, and he said "I hope Brystal takes on the trait of Eva's sleeping pattern and not her drinking juice pattern. She will not drink water and will not be satisfied until she has her juice. My advice, don't give her juice." He is so funny. Her party will be the same day as my Birthday, May 24th.

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