Thursday, April 12, 2012

Brystal's Blessing Day - Sunday April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday was the day Brystal got blessed in our Church. Gerald gave her a beautiful blessing. Both grandmas came, Dickson and Secody, as well as Great Grandma Begay. After the blessing we celebrated Easter dinner at Brittany's house. We had ham with Tatortot casserole and salad. Gigi, my mom likes to be called that rater than grandma, was so excited for Brystal's first Easter. She put Brystal in her Easter Basket. It was so cute. Brystal is also on the verge of laughing. Any week now she will be. For those of you who don't know, in the Navajo Tradition, when a baby laughs it is a big deal, as big of a deal as a wedding. It's because baby brings a balance of life and we celebrate her happiness in this world. They believe who ever makes baby laugh, baby will inherit some characteristics of that person, and that person then has to cook for everyone. At the dinner there will be salt and sugar for baby to touch and place on everyone's plate too. Gerald has been trying his hardest to get baby girl to laugh.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

 We just want her to be nice and cozy
 Gerald is doing homework and burping her at the same time.
 Great Grandma Begay, Grandma Cheryl, and Daddy.
 It was Great Grandma Begay's first time seeing Brystal
 Brystal got to meet some of her 2nd cousins in Page.
 Brystal's 2nd cousin in Tucson, Rieghley. Rieghley was so excited to meet her cousin.
 My cousin Jared and Brystal share their birthdays together, a special moment for Jared.

 First dip in the pool over spring break in Tucson

 Rieghley watching over Brystal to make sure she has good dreams
 GiGi (that is what my mom wants to be called) took Brystal to her first professional photo shoot,but never bought any prints. we snuck in this camera and got this picture. bad I know

 Thought we would test drive the stroller up in Provo Canyon for the first time

 Going to her first powwow at BYU
 All of us are new moms, oldest is 10 months, and youngest is 2 weeks
 I was too busy talking with friends when my sister noticed Brystal was hungry and started to suck. It was so funny
 First day of church that both Brystal and I went to, Sunday March 25th. It felt to good to finally go together. Going 8 weeks with out church in my life was so long. Glad I felt the spirit again

Brystal's coo

So about 2 weeks ago, when she was about 8 weeks old, lots of things started happening. First off her eye color just came in. they are dark brown like her daddy, but they could still change and lighten up like her mommy. I saw pictures of me when I was 3 with dark eyes, and now they are light brown. I also noticed she is starting to coo around 8 weeks old too. This past week she has been cooing so much. It's so cute, we coo together. Her neck is also becoming stronger to support her head. we can now hold her up around her chest and she can hold her head up.

On  Monday April 2 was her 2 month checkup. she weighs 10lbs 15oz. and is 21in long. She almost doubled in weight.